Yield and risk associated with prolonged presurgical video-EEG monitoring: a systematic review

van Griethuysen R, van Asch CJJ, Otte WM, Sander JW, Braun KPJ.

Epileptic Disord. 2022 Dec 1;24(6):1-13. English.
DOI: 10.1684/epd.2022.1484

Presurgical long-term video #EEG (LT-EEG) monitoring is essential for presurgical evaluation in patients with focal epilepsy. Thus, it is crucial to investigate its yield (success) as well as potential risk factors.

This systematic #review by Griethuysen et al. (Dec. 2022) analyzed 36 LT-EEG articles (4703 pediatric and adult patients in total) and found an average yield of 85% and an average adverse events rate of 17%.

The figure shows the factors associated with a successful LT-EEG. Factors leading to adverse events were: ASM tapering, history of status epilepticus, history of focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures, psychiatric comorbidity, and ASM taper rate.


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