Immediate Effects of Vagal Nerve Stimulation in Drug-Resistant Epilepsy Revealed by Magnetoencephalographic Recordings

Immediate Effects of Vagal Nerve Stimulation in Drug-Resistant Epilepsy Revealed by Magnetoencephalographic Recordings

Brain Connect. 2022 Sep 15.

This work by Li et al. (Sep. 2022) studied the immediate effects of vagus nerve stimulation (#VNS) on the brain networks of drug-resistant epilepsy (#DRE) patients using #magnetoencephalography (#MEG). The results indicated that VNS instantly downregulates the pathological hypersynchronization of brain network in DRE patients, leading to better #seizure control. Furthermore, VNS seems to upregulate the network efficiency in the θ band, which might play a role in #cognitive improvement.


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