Prevalence and associated risk factors of undiagnosed depression among people with epilepsy in a multiethnic society

Tan JK, Khoo CS, Beh HC, Hod R, Baharudin A, Yahya WNNW, Tan HJ.
Epilepsy Research Volume 178, December 2021, 106772

Epilepsy is more than seizures!

This new publication by Tan et al. revealed a #prevalence of 9,3% undiagnosed major depressive disorder in patients with #epilepsy. It emphasizes the need to not only acknowledge the existence of #comorbidities, but to actively screen for #depression in patients with epilepsy. Questionnaires used in the current study were the Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory for Epilepsy (#NDDI-E) and Beck’s Depression Inventory-II (#BDI-II).


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