Setting Up a Successful Vagus Nerve Stimulation Service for Patients With Difficult-to-Treat Depression

Kraus C, Quach D, Sholtes DM, Kavakbasi E, De Zwaef R, Dibué M, Zajecka J, Baune BT.
Neuromodulation. 2022 Feb 2;S1094-7159(21)06988-9.

This recent publication by Kraus et al. 2022 describes the initiation of multiple vagus nerve stimulation (#VNS) Therapy service centers for the treatment of patients with difficult-to-treat depression (#DTD) across three different countries (Germany, United States, and Austria). The study aimed to highlight important factors to consider for an efficient introduction of a VNS Therapy service center at an already existing #psychiatric center.

Based on the authors’ experience, vital factors to consider when implementing a VNS Therapy service center for refractory #depression include the development of a clinical pathway for surgery, the identification of optimal surgical candidates at a specialist center, and available reimbursement and insurance coverage. Other considerations include the availability of VNS Therapy-related education for patients and health care professionals alike.


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