Laryngeal Muscle-Evoked Potential Recording as an Indicator of Vagal Nerve Fiber Activation

Bouckaert C, Raedt R, Larsen LE, El Tahry R, Gadeyne S, Carrette E, Proesmans S, Dewaele F, Delbeke J, De Herdt V, Meurs A, Mertens A, Boon P, Vonck K.
Neuromodulation. 2022 Feb 14;S1094-7159(22)00035-6.

This new publication by Bouckaert et al. 2022 examined vagus nerve stimulation (#VNS)-induced evoked potentials in laryngeal muscles (#LMEPs) as a potential biomarker for vagal nerve fiber activation in patients with drug resistant epilepsy (#DRE).

The study found VNS-induced LMEP recordings to be feasible during the acute (at the initiation of VNS Therapy) as well as the chronic (one year post VNS implantation) phases of VNS Therapy. Furthermore, the maximal LMEP amplitude seemed to decrease following long-term VNS Therapy.



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