Patient-Specific Characteristics Associated with Favorable Response to Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Riestenberg RA, Sherman AE, Clark AJS, Shahlaie K, Zwienenberg M, Alden T, Bandt SK

World Neurosurg. 2022 May;161:e608-e624.

Finding out the predictors for vagus nerve stimulation (#VNS) responders is vital. This study by Riestenberg et al. (May. 2022) analyzed data from 158 drug-resistant epilepsy (#DRE) patients with VNS treatment and found that patients with either left-hand dominance, more than 15 years of epilepsy onset history, or baseline monthly #seizure frequency <5 were ideal candidates for VNS, with a 73.9% responder rate.


Neuromodulation in drug-resistant epilepsy: A review of current knowledge


Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Children with Refractory Seizures Associated with Lennox–Gastaut Syndrome