Closed-Loop Vagus Nerve Stimulation for the Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases: State of the Art and Future Directions

Ottaviani MM, Vallone F, Micera S, Recchia FA.

Front Cardiovasc Med. 2022 Apr 7;9:866957.

The frontier vagus nerve stimulation (#VNS) technologies for treating cardiovascular diseases (#CVDs) are ongoing.

This review by Ottaviabi et al. (Apr. 2022) summarized the preclinical and clinical applications of VNS technologies for CVDs.

The clinical applications of VNS mainly focused on heart failure, including two randomized studies and two open-label studies. The VNS treatments were associated with significant improvements in New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, quality of life, 6 min walking test, and NT-proBNP levels, while no difference in mortality. 

The article highlighted that closed-loop VNS based on selective nerve stimulation and biosensing technologies could be one of the most promising solutions to overcome the technological limitations during clinical trials.


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