Difficult-to-Treat Depression and the Role of Vagus Nerve Stimulation

R. Hamish McAllister-Williams, PhD, MD, FRCPsych and Tiago Costa, MBBS, MRCPsych

Psychiatr Ann. 2022;52(7):266–271 English.

This new selective #review by McAllister-Williams et al. 2022 discusses vagus nerve stimulation (#VNS) as part of the treatment strategy for difficult-to-treat depression (#DTD).

The study explores the efficacy of VNS Therapy as a #prophylactic or #acute treatment for DTD and discusses the potential effects on quality of life (#QoL). Furthermore, the effect of previous electroconvulsive treatment is considered.


Vagus nerve stimulation for difficult to treat depression


Vagus nerve stimulation using a miniaturized wirelessly powered stimulator in pigs